Dragons are raised on stories. Once the Ryuujin Yume spoke to the Green Dragon Haru of the adventures of Billows, the bravest of all the Halflings. Haru grew to great size and when the time came, she flew from her nest leaving behind an egg for the next Ryuujin to care for and tell stories to. Billows has long since retired and a new generation of adventurous young Halflings are eager to follow in her footsteps. The new Ryuujin Hana has already guided them in their first journeys, telling the tales of their exploits to the unborn dragon snug in her egg.
But twenty years has passed since Haru flew and the egg has not hatched. Dark lines have appeared on the shell. The life force within is fading. Only the legendary Dragonstar can cure this illness, held in a mountain temple to the north. You, the most experienced travellers in all the Three Ridings, have been appointed this task: To go to this temple and return with the Dragonstar, and heal the unhatched dragon so that it may soar.